A Thrifty Person’s Guide to Free Tree Removal

Free tree removing in action

While trees bring life, beauty, and environmental benefits to our surroundings, there are some cases when a rotting tree can put you in a dangerous position. A falling large tree or a large wooden branch may cause injuries, property damage, or even death. Usually removing a tree is costly, but we found some free tree removal options.

For instance, an old tree hidden in your backyard cannot withstand storms anymore. The tree can cause a considerable risk since it is most likely to fall and lead to further damage to your neighbor’s yard or your premises.

Trees and electric lines are the worst combos. If you live in a vicinity where trees grow near the electrical post, it can lead to safety concerns that may affect nearby residents and cause frequent power outages. What’s worse, trees may also cause severe fire hazards during dry weather conditions.

Whether we like it or not, these are some of the dangerous scenarios caused by trees, which leaves homeowners with no choice but to cut them down.

Tree Removal: How to Get Trees Cut Down for Free?

Getting a tree service can be slightly costly as it requires you to hire a tree removal company. No one wants to spend thousands of dollars by simply cutting down a tree. Considering this time and age where almost everything requires payment, you may wonder if you can still find a free tree removal service.

So, if you’re asking, can I get my tree cut down for free? The answer is a magnificent yes.

There are tons of ways to get a tree removal for free. It would be better if you are resourceful enough to find all the available options near your area. But before you single out all your options, you need to assess the situation first.

Assessing the situation can help you identify the strategies and tools you need to cut down the tree. It can also help you identify who can help you conduct tree removal. Doing it alone can be very dangerous. Most times, you need the expertise of a tree specialist.

Useful Strategies and Tricks on Cutting Trees for Free

Many would say that nothing is free in this world. But when it comes to cutting trees, there are tons of ways to remove it for free. Here are the many recommendations on how to conduct tree removal for free.

Free Tree Cutting Service by Electrical Companies

Unwanted trees near overhead electrical power lines are fire hazards. You need to contact a power company in your district that will cut down the tree. More often, these power companies work with professional tree specialists and certified arborists. If a tree can be a potential cause of fire or power outage, they will remove it with no additional service charge.

The Local Government Provides Tree Removal for Free

You can maximize your city hall’s community initiatives by raising your concern. Before doing this, you need to check the situation and the location of the tree. The local government plants trees between the street and sidewalk as part of urban beautification. Once they discovered that the tree could cause severe hazards in the community, they may cut down trees for free.

You can also check with the existing state program or cooperative extension office to cover free cutting services on trees growing near the street.

Consult Local Loggers for Tree Removal

If the tree is in your private property, you may look for loggers within your area. If you want to cut down several trees, you may consult small logging companies. They offer free tree removal for wood, especially if the tree has valuable hardwood. You may be surprised if they will pay you for it.

You may also consult a county extension office and other logging or tree companies to get recommendations.

If you live in an area with extreme weather conditions during the cold season, you may post ads in nearby establishments by offering free firewood for those willing to cut it. There is no need to look up on Google for ‘free tree cutting service near me’ as it serves as a helpful way for locals who want to get free firewood for their homes.

If you want an extra income, you may cut down the tree yourself and sell it in your community through ads or online marketplaces. You will not only remove the tree, but you can also earn from it.

Those who are not capable of cutting trees can also approach their neighbors with tree-cutting skills and tools. It is an ideal free tree removal for seniors who need assistance for cutting and hauling wood.

These are just some of the many recommendations when it comes to tree services. Before you single out the ideal options, you need to assess the situation to avoid unnecessary issues or delays.

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16 Comments Leave a comment

  1. Armarie Brown October 22, 2021 Subscriber

    I 67 year old disabled woman four or five trees fallen in my yard from Hurricane Ida on Social Security only means of income can’t afford to pay for removal of the trees. Needs help.

  2. Barbara kinehan March 8, 2022 Subscriber

    Hi I am a disabled senior citizen a tree in my garden has started leaning into my neighbours garden due to the storm it needs urgently taking down as I am frightened it will fall into their garden

    Thanks Barbara

  3. Mark Fyffe June 1, 2022 Subscriber

    I have a tall pine tree I need cut down and hauled away and I am a veteran.

  4. Carol July 1, 2022 Subscriber

    I have a huge spruce tree up against my backyard fence that is on 5 mile needs to be removed I’m a disabled senior

  5. Scarlet Lawrence July 13, 2022 Subscriber

    I am a single mother of two and in need of a tree removal in my front yard. Please help

    • Dawn September 25, 2022 Subscriber

      I have several trees down in my yard and need others taken down. I am in my sixties with bad knees and back.
      Free to anyone who wants the wood.

  6. Sharon Hernandez September 23, 2022 Subscriber

    I am the wife is a deceased Vietnam vet who pass away 10 years ago. I am disabled and on Social Security. A huge branch of the oak tree in front of my house fell and now the tree has to be taken down. I need to know how to get help financially to take this tree down as it’s in front of the house and if it falls it will land on me in my bedroom

  7. Bill September 27, 2022 Subscriber

    I Am Disabled I Have 10,or more oka Trees on my property can’t Afford to get them Removed if Any Would like to cut them down they can Keep Them they Are verry large trees I think there is some pine trees also

  8. Teedi November 4, 2022 Subscriber

    Need my fruit tree removed and cut from my backyard ASAP please help

  9. Bob smith April 6, 2023 Subscriber

    We are seniors and have large pines in back yard we can not afford to pay to have them cut down my wife is hoping to get on lung transplant list. She is on oxygen 24/7. And can not get around that good I also have a heart condition that limits me on what I can do I don’t like asking but we can use the help we have 5 pines in back yard that you can have if you are willing to cut them down

    Thank you

  10. Wavie Chappell May 30, 2023 Subscriber

    I am an 81 year old widow of a veteran who passed away over five years ago. My neighbor has a huge tree that is very old and limbs falling all the time. Huge limbs hang over my roof and rotting out my roof over my bedroom. I am afraid to sleep in that room because of the danger it may cause. I am on a very low social security income only. I need help! Can anyone help me?

  11. P July 28, 2023 Subscriber

    Lightning struck either a maple or chestnut tree in NJ. Senior on a fixed income & unable to afford the estimates already given.

  12. Rosa September 5, 2023 Subscriber

    I need a large tree to be cut down , leaves don’t grow anymore and branches could hurt my kids . Please help!!!

  13. Kenneth January 21, 2024 Subscriber

    I have a very large dead pine tree near the road in My yard that has been here a very long time …it has already damaged my truck and the city is demanding me to cut it …I am low income disability and I don’t have any funds for this to happen …please help

  14. Kenneth January 21, 2024 Subscriber

    The tree is on a hill and when it falls it will cause problems if it falls on our neighbor across the street it will do much damage and harm to people

  15. Tom April 23, 2024 Subscriber

    disabled senior need help getting trees removed from yard

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